
🤔Good, great, meh...

I was super hyped for this one, the trailers were around for a while and all the versions I've watched promised a thrilling manhunt in a close environment.

This movie, unexpectedly, went from a good start to a great second act, all to lose itself in the last 40 minutes...

I'll stop there to avoid spoilers, but it really felt like it changed director from the first to the second half.

As I said it starts good and rapidly goes to great, our protagonist (Josh Hartnett) is incredibly smart and cunning and able to adapt to every situation without any panic.

His performance has hints of Frank Underwood, it gives, at times, the same chills the US President gave in House of Cards.

Plus the fact that in the whole mist of avoiding the police he also has his daughter with him adds a serious level of complexity to the situation.

All this brains he has start to fail him at exactly half of the story, and from that point the movie misses the thrill that it was masterfully able to create in the beginning.

I wholeheartedly reccommend it to any thriller fan, this isn't by any means a bad movie, it's just a rollercoaster, it goes up up up and then...

How Would I Fix It ?

  • The only thing to do is to rewrite it from the point where we start losing it, approximately in the middle.(I can't tell anymore otherwise I'll spoil some important stuff)

Vote: 6.5/10

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Thank you for reading 🙏

If you have any suggestions or critic feel free to reply. 😁

Next week I'll watch “Borderlands”

Have a great week✌️
